I opted to hold the party a few weeks before her actual birthday hoping that the weather would be a little cooler. It was.
One of my former students came as Cinderella to entertain the girls and they really loved having her there. If you live near me and want a Cinderella for your party, she is for hire. Send me a comment or email and I'll put you in touch.
Meet n Greet: Question of authenticity- "Where's your prince?" SB asks. |
I was tired before it was over. Thanks for the help, Mom and Crystal. |
A sweet and caring princess. SB had 4 cake pops on her plate and still managed to take a bite of Cinderella's. |
Tea Time for 12 toddlers!! |
Two pretty princesses, one semi-smile. By now, you know how she rolls. |
Mary Ellen looks more excited about Cinderella than Lilly Mae. |
Thank you, Brooke for doing a super job. |
Baby Remy, Crystal's boy. |
Mary Ellen, Katee's girl. |
She's got smiling down to a science. |
The gentlest touch... |
doesn't always... |
receive a warm welcome. |
I leave you with this. Happy Birthday SARAH BETH! |