Saturday, June 19, 2010

Beach Photos Part II

These are some of my favorite photos from our beach trip.   Here's why:

Sarah Beth is obviously not cool with the sand because it makes her dirty and she doesn't like to be dirty.  Lisa and Dale are doing their best here trying to show her that it's fun stuff to play with.  Even the last day she hated it.

I just love the colors in this photo and her sweet little pose.  She wouldn't sit anywhere where sand was touching her.  It was kind of nice because I didn't worry about her wandering off.  That yellow beach towel was like a cage.

I like this one because we look like we're having a great time.  Really she was just being bribed to take a photo smiling.

I like this one because it looks like a magazine ad for some super sunscreen.  See - we've been in the sun all day and look - still white as a ghost but in a fashionable way.  And the reader of the magazine would think..."Yeah, I want to be as porcelain as they are.  They look like they're having a great time and aren't worrying a bit about skin cancer."

Eric and Lisa
Brother-in-law and sister-in-law who own the house we stayed in.  Very generous to take us on such a nice trip.

Who wouldn't want to look back a this picture in ten years and say, "You see how sweet you were?"

Shelby and Erica - Sarah Beth's cousins who are in college.  Sweet girls who make the best cousins.  Sarah Beth loves them. 

Another cool image caught by Uncle Eric.  I just like the whole shot.  Never mind the fact that Sarah Beth wanted me to pick her up the whole time because she didn't like to feel the sand on her feet.  You swear she was walking in a never-ending pile of ants.

Shelby and Erica insisted that I take photos of them jumping.  I like this one best.  I like the fact that from their knees down, their legs form a nice continuous diagonal.  As far as photography and art go - the Rule of Thirds is very clear here.

I got a little jealous and we all joined in the jump fun... except for Eric and Sarah Beth.  Eric took the photo.  Sarah Beth obsessed about her sandy feet.

Yes, this is still the beach.  It was behind me as I took this picture.  I just love this shot.

Maybe some more beach pictures later, but maybe not.  We'll see.


  1. love the pic of SB being thrown in the air. But my question is....when/how did you get Michelle Obama arms? You need to show them off more. If they were mine they would NEVER be covered. Even in the winter I would wear a racer back tank top.
